Hi there! Feel free to drop me an email at: nsteph@uw.edu

Below is a collage of my baking sprees! f you're interested, I've also added a timeline of events that lead me into UX below.

And below is a timeline of events that lead me into the UX field.

June 2022 - September 2022
Product Design Intern @ GoDaddy
  • Designed a payment method(Tap to Pay) for merchants to checkout a customer sale for their store using the GoDaddy Android App. The payment method works with any NFC-enabled device.
    Deliverables included prototypes and mockups.
September 2021 - June 2023
Master of Science Human Centered Design & Engineering @ University of Washington
  • Reader / Grader: Designing Information Experiences (Spring’22)
  • Reader / Grader: Design methods for Interactive Systems (Fall’22)

  • Had hands-on teaching assistant experience by grading assignments, student debates, final presentations, and final projects.
  • Academic projects include analyzing the onboarding of Super Mario Bros. (1985) using distributed cognition and ecological psychology, designing mobile applications, designing analytical dashboards using quantitative research, performing usability testing on existing products, and learning about designing for behavior change.
December 2018 - September 2021
Product Designer @ Freshworks
  • Revamped the Freshdesk (a Helpdesk ticketing system) Shopify integration by designing 3new functionalities (view, cancel, and refund Shopify orders within Freshdesk).The solution saved Freshdesk customer support agents from having to switch from Freshdesk to Shopify to perform order functionalities. Drove the user research which included a 20-question survey and 5 customer calls. Launched: September2021
  • Researched and designed the WhatsApp business account setup in Freshdesk. The design made it easier for Freshdesk admins to integrate their WhatsApp business account with Freshdesk. Launched: November 2020
  • Designed the Omnichannel customer timeline that unifies all customerinteractions from multiple channels into 1 chronological timeline. This helpssupport agents get quicker context about customer interactions.
June 2018 – December 2018
Product Design Intern @ Freshworks
  • Applied software accessibility standards and WCAG 2.0 guidelines learned in Deque’s accessibility workshop to the everyday design process.
  • Was part of Freshworks’design system team and contributed by designing accessible components andwriting guidelines. Worked with the engineering team to release the designsystem.
May 2014 – Jun 2018
Bachelor of Technology Computer Science Engineering @ SRM Institute of Science & Technology
  • Graduation project: E-prescription system for the campus hospital
    Designed the system aimed to send prescriptions directly to the hospital database and to patients and developed it using HTML, CSS, and Angular JS. Reduced paper usage(for hospital) and waiting time in queues (for patients) using digital prescriptions.